Amateur Gardening

Plants to light up the twilight


Antirrhinu­m ‘Admiral White’

A superb snapdragon with tall, sturdy stems and pure-white flowers. Thrives in full sun and flowers, if deadheaded, from June to September. A half-hardy annual; sow March-April, in drifts through a border. HxS: 4x1½ft (120x45cm).

Clematis ‘Prince George’

A relatively new clematis cultivar with pure-white petals that look like crumpled silk. Compact enough to be grown up an obelisk or over a pergola, where those white blooms will ‘glow’ in the dark. HxS: 6½ftx39in (2x1m).

Athyrium niponicum ‘Silver Falls’

The pale-grey and purple fronds of the Japanese painted fern look fabulous when lit. Use as ground cover, or plant in pots and position lights close by. Easy to grow in neutral to acid soil. HxS: 1ftx20in (30x50cm).

Brunnera macrophyll­a ‘Jack Frost’

This shade lover has attractive heartshape­d, green leaves with a silvery, marbled appearance that sparkle in low light levels. Sprays of tiny blue, forgetme-not-like flowers are an added bonus in spring. HxS: 16inx2ft (40x60cm).

Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’

The lavender-blue flowers of this scabious take on an almost neon effect at dusk. With blooms from as early as April until the first frosts, it’s also one of the longest-flowering perennials you can grow. H&S: 16in (40cm).

Dianthus ‘memories’

An improved version of classic garden pink ‘Mrs Sinkins’, with a more compact habit and well-formed flowers. Flowers from May to September, producing pure-white blooms that are deliciousl­y fragrant. HxS: 1ftx15in (30x35cm).

Gaura lindheimer­i ‘the Bride’

The thin, wiry stems seem to disappear into the dark, leaving those delicate white and pale-pink flowers to twinkle like stars in the night sky. Perennial, it’s good for informal borders or large containers. HxS: 2½x1½ft (75x45cm).

Senecio cineraria

Use this half-hardy annual – known as dusty miller – alongside pale petunias, cosmos and bacopa. Its silver-grey leaves will add a twilight glow to container planting. Easy to find as plug plants in spring. HxS: 10x8in (25x20cm).

Cosmos ‘Purity’

This easy-to-grow half-hardy annual has graceful, pure-white, saucer-shaped flowers that stand tall above a mass of frothy, fern-like foliage. Sow indoors in April, for planting out after the last frosts. HxS: 4x2ft (120x60cm).

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