Amateur Gardening

Quick questions & answers


QWhat is this strange insect laying eggs on my garden fence?

Elaine Lewis, Crosby, Liverpool

AThe creature is probably a wingless female vapourer moth. It lays a mat of close-packed eggs that normally hatch within a few days.

The female’s swollen body would almost certainly have contained eggs that were yet to be laid. Males are on the wing from July to October. Q

When should I cut back my penstemons?

Sandra Cooper, Colwyn Bay, Gwynedd

APenstemon­s respond well to being cut back in early April. Shorten stems to within 6in (15cm) of the base, then feed with a balanced organic fertiliser, such as fish, blood and bone meal.

Water it in if the soil is dry. Apply further dressings at monthly intervals until September. New shoots will appear in two-three weeks.

QWhere can I buy Narcissus ‘Actaea’ for flowers next spring?

Arthur Varney, via email

AThese are widely available from Sarah Raven (✆ 0345

092 0283, , J Parkers (✆ 0161 848 1100, , Crocus (✆ 01344

578 111,  and Peter Nyssen (✆ 0161 747 4000,  peternysse­ It flowers best in a sunny, sheltered spot in soil that is moist and well drained. Feed with liquid fertiliser every 2 weeks after flowering until the leaves die down.

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