Amateur Gardening

“I've Got My Life Back Thanks To These Knee Supports”

Christmas was a disaster... I was in so much pain… the family all think I’m a miserable grouch!

- By J. Higgins

IUSED TO BE so active but for the last 2 years I’ve felt like an old man, that was until 2 weeks ago, when everything changed! My knee pain was so bad I couldn’t even walk to the local shops without being in excruciati­ng pain.

At Christmas we had all the family over, 16 of us for dinner. I was in a lot pain so put myself in the corner and kept out of the way. I could tell they were annoyed with me, added to that my mother-inlaw was making little ‘jokey’ digs that I was leaving it all for my wife to do. She was right, but my wife Sue understood, she knew that moving about made the pain worse. But she didn’t understand why I wouldn’t tell anyone what pain I was in. The reason why I kept quiet was I didn’t want their sympathy or worse still a lecture on what I should or shouldn’t be doing!

I didn’t want to leave the house

Over the last 2 years I’d tried everything to stop the pain in my knees...pain killers, acupunctur­e, and physiother­apy treatments. Sometimes physio would give me a bit of relief but within hours the pain would be as bad as ever. Some days I didn’t want to leave the house. It was so depressing, I couldn’t see any light at the end of tunnel. I’m normally very positive but I couldn’t stop thinking that this is what my life was going to be like.

I’ve always been very active and love socialisin­g. But the pain was so bad all I wanted to do was hide myself away and curl up in a ball. I felt bad for Sue, as it was impacting on her life as well. We were going out far less, and when we did I couldn’t walk far. I was so frustrated, how had life come to this, so soon and so quickly.

Apart from Sue, I’d only confided in my best friend Dave, he knew what I was going through, he’d had bad knees for years. On Boxing Day, as promised, he popped over for a drink. He had a spring in his step. ‘Blimey Dave, what happened to you’ I asked ‘has the whisky loosened your joints?’ With his bad knees he would normally be shuffling along, but not today!

How on earth could a small knee strap help

He told me he’d been like this for 6 weeks ‘What you’ve been drinking for 6 whole weeks?’ I joked. ‘No you daft ape, my knees have been better since I’ve started wearing my new FLX knee straps, it’s like I have got new knees.” He went on “I told you all about them in the Black Lion last month. I knew you weren’t really listening!” I must admit I did remember him mentioning it but I thought how on earth could a small knee strap help. But seeing Dave being so light on his feet I was all ears now!

He rolled up his trousers and showed me the knee strap. He said it was remarkable, taking the pressure off his knee joints. Dave can be very cynical, so being this upbeat about them I knew there had to be something in it. I asked how could I order them, he smiled and reached in his bag, he’d bought me a Christmas present… yes.. it was 2 FLX Knee straps.

As soon as he left, I put them on and after a little adjustment they were in place. I went downstairs, it felt good, a good start. I wore them all day and the next. I was amazed, getting up and down stairs was not such a struggle. I thought this feels good.

No pain, and more flexibilit­y

After a week of wearing them I suggested to Sue we go out for a long walk to burn off the pounds gained over the holiday. After 15 minutes Sue suggested we walk back, she was worried I’d already over done it. But I insisted we go on a bit further, I wanted to put these knees straps to the test. We walked for a good 45 minutes at a normal pace. Sue couldn’t believe it. I thought maybe I was going to have to pay the price the next day, but they didn’t hurt at all. The strap takes the pressure off the knee joint, so no pain, and more flexibilit­y.

Like Dave said, it’s like having new knees, I feel like I’ve won the lottery. I suggested to Sue that we go to Rome in the spring for her birthday, she’s always wanted to go. But with my bad knees we’d always put it off. Thanks to Dave’s incredible Christmas present I’ve got my life back, Rome here we come!

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