Amateur Gardening

Crossword ...just for fun!



1 Scientific term for natural ageing, in plants as well as animals (10) 7 Hosta plantagine­a is also known as the _____ lily (5) 8 AG entertains one who acts for, or in the place of, another (5)

9 Petrol or electric power tool for cutting timber (8) 11 Somewhat fall-like! (8) 14 Sounding like a root vegetable, but actually a unit of weight (200mg) for precious stones (5) 15 Genus of daisy perennials, which includes the elecampane (5) 16 Alternativ­e common name for the cambric grass (Boehmeria nivea) (5,5) DOWN 1 Large, heavy-duty bags for collecting garden rubbish, perhaps (5) 2 Roman emperor after

whom a fig and a grape variety are both named (4)

3 This variety of floribunda rose, with fragrant apricotyel­low flowers, is a south-coast port (11)

4 By getting rid of your garden weeds, you could be said to be ________ them (11)

5 Monstera deliciosa is the Swiss ______ plant (6)

6 Hemerocall­is ‘Daddy’s Catfish ____’ is a one-pot meal! (4)

10 Complex carbohydra­te found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in rice, potatoes, wheat and corn (6)

11 Inverted ‘U’ found in larch (4)

12 Full of butter and broad kidneys, perhaps! (5)

13 Genus of ‘terrestria­l’ bromeliads including the Chilean ____ (____

chilensis) (4)

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