Amateur Gardening



...just for fun! ACROSS

1 Mentha spicata (9) 7 Apple tablet is made from a personalis­ed waterlily leaf! (4)

8 Tradescant­ia zebrina is also known as the silver ____ plant (4)

9 Camellia sinensis is the ___ plant, or tree (3)

11 ‘Heeling-in’ plants contains a snake-like freshwater or marine fish! (3)

12 Vetch contracted, and so forth! (3)

13 Substance naturally found in mint plants that gives a cooling sensation (7)

14 The answer to 10 down, and the mock orange genus, both contain this – the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet! (3)

15 Take five hundred from

Anethum graveolens and you end up sick (3)

16 Surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots (3)

18 This singer from Scotland is also a variety of lupin (4) 19 Common name for grass of the agrostis genus (4) 20 I saw trays make sets of steps and their surroundin­g walls or structures! (9) (anag)


2 Pennisetum glaucum is known as African or _____ ______! (5,6)

3 Unusual (as in a plant or other artefact), and almost uncooked (as in meat!) (4)

4 What you experience when ordered plants or other goods do not arrive! (3-8) 5 Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’ is the ________ mint (9) 6 _________ peppermint is

Mentha x piperita f. citrata ‘_______’, especially after eight! (9)

9 Deciduous leaves in autumn have been showing their lovely autumn _____ (5) 10 An individual greenfly! (5) 17 The rose variety ‘Bowled ____’, as in a set of six balls bowled! (4)

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