Amateur Gardening

Best border roses for...


‘Dainty Bess’

Scented silver-pink single flowers with maroon stamens bloom above darkgreen leaves. An adorable hybrid tea, bred in 1925, it attracts wildlife and flowers repeatedly between June and November. Full sun. H: 3ft (90cm).


Traditiona­lly scented, romantic powderpink rosettes are produced freely by this charming shrub rose. Has the characteri­stics of a Scottish rose, with the added bonus of repeat flowering. Sun or semi-shade. H: 3ft (90cm).

‘Scabrosa’ AGm

Rugosa roses can be relied upon to cope with tricky soil, even in coastal gardens. This repeat-flowering variety has saucer-esque magenta-violet flowers, followed by big red hips. Sun or semi-shade. H: 4ft (1.2m).

roald Dahl

Introduced in 2016, this scented David Austin shrub rose is laden with apricotamb­er rosettes for months. Meanwhile, £2.50 from the sale of each goes to the late author’s Marvellous Children’s Charity. Sun or semi-shade. H: 39in (1m).

‘Autumn Delight’

The peach buds of this procumbent hybrid musk (one that grows along the ground) open into fragrant flowers in a primrose yellow that eventually fades to white. Flowers: June-November. Sun or semi-shade. H&S: 4ft (1.2m).

Fighting temeraire

An English shrub rose with 4in (10cm)wide single flowers that blaze all the shades of a sunset. In 2012 it won the fragrance prize at the Concurs Internacio­nal awards for its delicious fruity scent. Full sun. H: 3ft (90cm).

Hot Chocolate AGm

This decadent floribunda will keep producing its fragrant flowers into October. The petals are wonderful shades of coral, russet and fox-pink, adding drama and colour to a border. Full sun. H: 3ft (90cm).

the mill on the Floss

An exciting picotee rose, introduced by David Austin earlier this year. The voluptuous strawberry-scented flowers are rimmed carmine-pink, eventually morphing to a lilac-pink shade. Sun or semi-shade. H: 51in (1.3m).


A delightful­ly informal pink rose that suits borders and wilder areas of the garden. The scented, cup-shaped flowers lure bees and are held on tall stems, giving the plant an airy look. Sun or semi-shade. H: 51in (1.3m).

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