Amateur Gardening

5 Iris reticulata for the new year


‘Eye Catcher’ Pure-white flowers are boldly marked with navy-blue streaks on the upper petals, and navy spots and a yellow flash on the lower petals. Recently introduced, it tends to be more expensive than others, but definitely warrants a bit of a splurge. H: 6in (15cm). ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ Unusual in the subtlety of its colouring. The large broadpetal­led flowers are a delightful combinatio­n of Mediterran­ean Sea-blue and yellowish-green, with slate-blue veins and deep ocean-blue spots. One for viewing up close.

H: 6in (15cm). ‘Natascha’ Has flowers in a lovely subtle shade of ice-white – a ghostly white that is ‘blushed’ with pale-blue – featuring greenishbl­ue veins and a sunny-yellow flash on each of the lower petals. Another option for fans of fragrance, the scent is strong – making it a good candidate for cutting, too. H: 6in (15cm). ‘George’ The upper and lower petals are a rich plummypurp­le with dark veins, while the lower petals also feature a yellow flash on a white background. The scent is beautiful, especially on warmer days. Flowers open before the leaves so are shown off well. H: 5in (12cm).

‘Lady Beatrix Stanley’ A little shorter than many

I. reticulata, with broad-petalled, violet-scented flowers. These are a deep violet-blue, the lower petals speckled and streaked on a white background, and featuring a slender yellow flash. Very striking in a container. H: 4in (10cm).

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