Amateur Gardening

Order now for next year

Next year’s growing season is fast approachin­g, so get your orders in as soon as you can, says Bob


WITH all the rush of seasonal festivitie­s going on, it’s easy to forget how close next year’s growing season is. There’s a sort of mind-block on anything after the New Year, and we kind of think it’s all over for the moment.

However, it is important to get your orders in as soon as you can for there is not a lot of time left before you need those first seeds, sowing compost, and onion and potato sets. Admittedly, if you order now, the delays in the Christmas post may mean you do not get those goods until the New Year, but then at least you will have them.

There is another very good reason for ordering now and that is to get what you want. Some of the newer and more popular varieties will almost certainly run out, and then you’ll be forced to accept replacemen­ts, which may not be exactly what you wished for.

Another misguided thought is that it’s too late to plant anything. Far from it – so long as the soil is neither frozen solid nor waterlogge­d, you can plant most hardy plants, trees, shrubs, fruits and ornamental­s. All these and herbaceous plants are far better off going in at the start of the year rather than leaving them until later in spring, as that seriously reduces their time to establish.

So order all those plants you’ve been thinking about and don’t risk losing another year’s growth. Treat yourself to whatever you fancy – plants are relatively inexpensiv­e when you consider how many years of pleasure they can you!

“Don’t risk losing another year’s growth”

As to what are most urgent, well, order those onion, leek and tomato seeds as soon as possible, as these will be the soonest needed, closely followed by potato and onion sets.

 ??  ?? There isn’t much time left before you need those first seeds, so get in now before newer varieties run out Get onion (and potato) sets ordered as soon as you can to take advantage of a greater choice Planting many fruit trees at the start of year gives them time to establish
There isn’t much time left before you need those first seeds, so get in now before newer varieties run out Get onion (and potato) sets ordered as soon as you can to take advantage of a greater choice Planting many fruit trees at the start of year gives them time to establish

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