Amateur Gardening

Caring for sweet peas


■ Sweet peas climb with their tendrils and are easy to support on 5-6ft (1.5-1.8m) tall wigwams of canes or twiggy sticks.

■ Beforehand, make sure an area 3ft (1m) in diameter is deeply dug and conditione­d. Ideally, this needs time to settle, but just before planting is better than not at all.

■ Tread puffy soil gently to firm before smoothing the surface. Using a metal pin, make five deep holes around a circle before pushing in supports.

■ Tie the tops together and then set plants about 8in (20cm) apart around the base. Shorter fans of twiggy sticks help the young plants journey upwards.

■ Patrol before every bedtime, checking for slugs and snails.

 ??  ?? Pinching out seedling tips
Pinching out seedling tips

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