Amateur Gardening

Crossword ...just for fun!



1 This colour is the first half of a subject of this week’s Miscellany! (5)

3 This dwelling is the second half of a subject of this week’s Miscellany! (5)

7 Catalpa more like a mild analgesic drug used as alternativ­e to aspirin (11) (anag) 8 Common name for

Oryzopsis milicea, the perennial mountain rice native to the Mediterran­ean region (5,5)

9 Genus of the rue anemone, often thought of as either a thalictrum or even an anemone! (10)

13 Fit for the native habitat or home of a plant (or animal) (11)

14 Euterpe edulis is the _____ palm (5)

15 Glazing material most commonly used for the subjects of this week’s

Miscellany! (5)


1 An expression of openmouthe­d astonishme­nt is found in an ajuga pest! (5)

2 Genus of small perennial plants of the campanula family, having various common names including silvery dwarf harebell, wheel bell, rock bell or grassy bell (11)

4 Latin name for the wych, feathered, mountain, Scotch, smooth-leaved and witch elm (5,6)

5 This hybrid tea rose cultivar is also a wellestabl­ished woman’s magazine! (4)

6 Half an ice lettuce – floating at sea! (4)

10 17th state of the US – and a variety of sempervivu­m (4)

11 Dryas octopetala is known as the mountain _____ (5)

12 Early crystallin­e 15 across substitute, found in chemicals! (4)

 ??  ??

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