Amateur Gardening

How to take cuttings of catmint


1 Choose a length of this year’s healthy, ideally non-flowering, growth and cut 4in (10cm) away.

2 Strip away the lower sets of leaves and pinch out any flower buds as they will divert energy from root growth.

3 Dip the cut ends in hormone rooting powder or gel to promote good root developmen­t.

4 Insert the cuttings around the edge of a clay pot filled with dampened seed and cutting compost.

5 Seal the cuttings in a clear plastic bag, making sure it isn’t touching any plant material.

 ??  ?? Keep the cuttings somewhere light and warm until they start to grow
Keep the cuttings somewhere light and warm until they start to grow
 ??  ??
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 ??  ??

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