Amateur Gardening

Magnolia vine


KNOWN botanicall­y as Schisandra chinensis, this vigorous climber is also known as Chinese limonnik, bei wu wei zi or five-flavour-fruit (as its fruits are said to contain all five basic flavours). You may have come across the juice or dehydrated berries in health food stores – it is considered a ‘super-berry’ due to its cornucopia of medicinal uses.

To grow this plant at home for the berries, which ripen in late summer and should be harvested in October, buy both male and female plants (variety ‘Eastern Prince’ claims to be self-fertile, but it’s not readily available).

Position this hardy deciduous climber with its roots in the shade and the stems in some sun, much as you would a clematis.

 ??  ?? Schisandra chinensis is a vigorous climber
Schisandra chinensis is a vigorous climber

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