Amateur Gardening

Overwinter­ing coldframe hacks


THOSE of us without a greenhouse often rely on coldframes to get more delicate plants through the winter. From custommade models with a hefty price tag to upcycled designs that come for free, how can you get the best from them?

First, position in a sunny, sheltered spot. Before putting potted plants inside, take care of slug and snail control by scattering organic pellets in the base.

Plug any gaps with newspaper (or something more aesthetic) to eliminate drafts. If your model has ample height, stand plants on shelving or slats as they’ll get cold on the floor; this only needs to be 4in (10cm) high to be effective.

Lining sides with bubblewrap offers more insulation (polystyren­e sheeting works well, too, but don’t line the lid with this

Finally, keep plants on the drier side, so they are chill-resilient. These steps will ensure effective overwinter­ing.

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