Amateur Gardening

Four top winter lawn tips

Keep grass healthy and stay on top of major problems



Casts are heaps of wet soil excreted by worms, and if left or trodden on they are a breeding ground for weeds. Let them dry and then disperse them with a broom or the back of a rake. 2

Toadstools in the lawn are unsightly, so pick them off before they ripen and spread their spores. Red thread is a problem in wet grass, so aerate with a fork to improve drainage. 3

Improve lawn health by aerating (driving a garden fork into the soil) to boost ventilatio­n around the roots and ease waterloggi­ng. Edging makes the garden look tidier. 4

Moles are a pest but can be easily deterred by sprinkling their hills with Defenders’ natural deterrent. Remove the soil and add it to your beds, reseeding the grass in spring.

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