Amateur Gardening

Ready for all weathers

Prepare now for whatever this winter will bring, says Ruth


PREVENTION is better than cure and this is never more true than when we move towards winter. The weather over the next few months is likely to be unpredicta­ble, but probably unpleasant, so by preparing for it now we can safeguard our gardens and hopefully limit likely damage.

Climate change appears to be dictating that our winters are becoming considerab­ly wetter. Not only is more rain falling, but the storms are heavier and more likely to cause damage to plants and garden structures.

It also increases the likelihood of waterloggi­ng and flooding, though these can be minimised by lightening heavy and compacted soils that are prone to collecting puddles by digging in lots of grit and well-rotted compost or manure to open up the soil’s structure, thus improving drainage.

If your lawn collects water, help it to drain away by aerating the surface when heavy rain is forecast; drive the tines of a garden fork into the lawn across the vulnerable area to ease compaction and help water soak away. You can buy aerating machines and shoes with spiked soles that do the job as you walk over the lawn.

Make sure gutters and drainage channels can run clear and stand pots

on feet so water can escape.

High winds can also cause extensive damage to trees, greenhouse­s, fences and tall plants. Make sure greenhouse panes are properly clipped in place and that young trees and tall plants are securely staked. Remove dead and damaged branches before they can break and fall, causing injury or damage. You can also create windbreaks in the most exposed areas of the garden. Woven willow or hazel hurdles are perfect for the job as they let some wind through, preventing gusting and turbulence.

 ??  ?? Greenhouse heaters are cheap and effective
Use fleece bags to protect more tender trees such as apricots and almonds
Mulch potted plants to insulate the roots
Greenhouse heaters are cheap and effective Use fleece bags to protect more tender trees such as apricots and almonds Mulch potted plants to insulate the roots
 ??  ?? Raise up pots so excess water can escape
Raise up pots so excess water can escape

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