Amateur Gardening

Crossword ...just for fun!



1 One of the two spices derived from the fruit of the nutmeg tree (4)

3 and 6 and 7 across The subject of this week’s

Miscellany! (6,8[4+4]) 6 Make or become hot; see 3 across! (4)

7 If it belongs to him, it is not ____; see 3 across! (4)

8 Vetch contracted, and so forth! (3)

11 The winter heath (5,6) 15 Cape heathers are sold as winter-flowering ___ plants (3)

17 Cereal crop(s) or its grains, used for making flour or porridge, or for feeding animals (4)

18 Small, round seed vessel that sticks to clothes and animal fur, due to its little hooks (4)

19 Shady sitting place in a garden, usually surrounded by climbing shrubs or vines and other vegetation (6)

20 One who manages a circular rounded protuberan­ce, often used in reference to a flower’s stamens! (4)


1 This firethorn (pyracantha) cultivar is an Indian people of the Colorado river valley in Arizona, California, and Nevada (6)

2 These small apples have been looking good this autumn! (4) 3 Common name for Trifolium

repens (5,6) 4 Erica arborea is the ____ heather (4)

5 ‘English’ flower; the common name for 13 down (4)

9 Acronym for the Garden Centre Associatio­n (1,1,1)

10 Grounding the ball in rugby, as in the sempervivu­m variety ‘First ___’ (3)

12 Genus of the moisturelo­ving sweet flag (6)

13 Girl’s name; genus name for 5 down (4)

14 Something blunted, stunted or cut short, such as a stump (4)

16 Loud game in which players move counters round a board according to throws of a dice, as in the trumpet narcissus cultivar! (4) (anag)

 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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