Amateur Gardening

The damp garden

A naturally wet garden near Salisbury has met its match in Barry and Jackie Candler, who have found ways to celebrate this moist environmen­t, says Sue Bradley


LOVE at first sight may seem an extreme way to describe Jackie Candler’s reaction to an exuberant giant rhubarb, but she’s adamant that it was the clincher when she was looking to buy a new home in Wiltshire.

Neither Jackie nor her husband Barry were perturbed by the thought that the presence of a Gunnera manicata indicated that they were taking on a garden that was prone to dampness, and in the years since they’ve made a virtue of the natural conditions within the rectangula­r plot behind their mid-1960’s detached property in Landford.

“The ground slopes slightly and we get all the rain coming off the hill, which sits on the clay cap under the soil,” Jackie explains.

“The previous owners planted a Gunnera at the bottom of the garden and I loved it when I first saw it: it’s the reason I wanted to buy the house.”

Eighteen years on, the supersized rhubarb continues to thrive and is now admired throughout the year from the safety of an attractive curved wooden boardwalk installed to improve access to the far reaches of the plot during the wet winter months.

At the same time, Barry and Jackie have introduced other measures to corral watery excesses, including French drains that feed the fish pond at the bottom of the garden, woodchip paths and moisture-loving trees, including willow and bamboo.

Different ways to solve dampness

“French drains helped to solve the waterlogge­d lawn ”

“We put in the French drains a couple of years ago and they’ve made such a difference to the lawn, which used to be prone to puddles of water,” says Barry.

“The paths used to be paved but they collected water, so we took them up and put wood chippings down; anything to help the drainage.”

While the bottom of the garden is prone to dampness, it’s another story closer to the house, which turns into something of a suntrap during the summer months.

Again Jackie and Barry have sought

to make the most of this natural attribute, using wooden decking to extend their patio and hoisting a shade sail to protect their skin on particular­ly hot days, while a small woodburner allows them to stay outside well into the evenings, when twinkling lights add to the ambience.

Even with the collection of hard landscapin­g features in the garden, there’s still plenty of space for plants, with the couple creating a series of

different ‘rooms’ within the plot.

These include a natural-looking wild area entered through a willow arch, with native grasses and flowers; a productive vegetable plot, various herbaceous borders and a generous lawn.

Even areas such as the decked patio extension are skillfully blended into the garden through the clever use of plants. Whether it’s the narrow raised beds containing agapanthus and canna positioned around the edges or the collection of sempervivu­ms that sit beneath a glass-topped coffee table.

Creative planting

Leafy plants such as hosta, ferns and crocosmia contribute to the underlying lushness of the planting, with the Candlers selecting a blend of green and red/purple foliage, although injections of additional colour are provided by the flowers of astilbe, cosmos, sweet pea, day lily and geranium.

There is also a generous smattering of fun features, not least a pair of tall gabion baskets filled with pine cones and colourful plant pots and topped with ornamental grasses that combine with trees to add height to the garden.

“Some of the structure here now was here when we moved in, but most of the planting we have changed over time,” says Jackie, a volunteer with the Royal Horticultu­ral Society. “The garden has evolved – we didn’t want a set style – and we’ve been on a learning curve to find out what survives here.

“Our garden is naturally wet here, but we’ve found ways to manage this and create a space that we enjoy.”

 ??  ?? An angled pathway means the entire garden can’t be seen all at once. Lay bark chippings for natural-looking year-round access and they also help with drainage
An angled pathway means the entire garden can’t be seen all at once. Lay bark chippings for natural-looking year-round access and they also help with drainage
 ??  ?? This ‘tortoise’ planted with house leeks has an amusing touch with the addition of a small leafy plant
This ‘tortoise’ planted with house leeks has an amusing touch with the addition of a small leafy plant
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 ??  ?? Raise your game: a high-walled pond provides the perfect environmen­t for an extra layer of life in the garden. Make the most of its reflective qualities by planting a colourful acer nearby
Raise your game: a high-walled pond provides the perfect environmen­t for an extra layer of life in the garden. Make the most of its reflective qualities by planting a colourful acer nearby
 ??  ?? Make a gateway: Two pillars topped with pots overflowin­g with bedding accentuate the feeling of passing from one area of a garden to another
Make a gateway: Two pillars topped with pots overflowin­g with bedding accentuate the feeling of passing from one area of a garden to another
 ??  ?? Build a boardwalk to make wet areas of garden easy to walk on. This attractive feature is perfectly placed for admiring a sizable Gunnera manicata (top left)
Build a boardwalk to make wet areas of garden easy to walk on. This attractive feature is perfectly placed for admiring a sizable Gunnera manicata (top left)
 ??  ?? Be adaptive: a shelf beneath a glasstoppe­d table provides the perfect environmen­t for alpine plants
Be adaptive: a shelf beneath a glasstoppe­d table provides the perfect environmen­t for alpine plants
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 ??  ?? Push the boundaries: few small gardens can comfortabl­y accommodat­e the super-sized foliage of a Gunnera manicata, but the damp nature of Jackie and Barry’s plot means it’s the perfect plant
Position pieces of garden art within borders to enjoy the contrasts between real and created leav
Push the boundaries: few small gardens can comfortabl­y accommodat­e the super-sized foliage of a Gunnera manicata, but the damp nature of Jackie and Barry’s plot means it’s the perfect plant Position pieces of garden art within borders to enjoy the contrasts between real and created leav
 ??  ?? Fill wire gabion baskets with coloured plant pots and large fir cones and top with an ornamental grass to create an attractive vertical garden feature
Fill wire gabion baskets with coloured plant pots and large fir cones and top with an ornamental grass to create an attractive vertical garden feature
 ??  ?? Overcome the challenges presented by wet gardens by creating raised beds. Hosta, canna and astrantia thrive in this area
Overcome the challenges presented by wet gardens by creating raised beds. Hosta, canna and astrantia thrive in this area
 ??  ?? Create contrasts: fill gabions with vibrant pots to contrast with more muted natural hues
Create contrasts: fill gabions with vibrant pots to contrast with more muted natural hues
 ??  ?? Sow cosmos seeds for cheerful flowers that keep blooming all summer long
Recycle and reuse: decking offcuts provide the perfect material for creating raised beds for the sitting area
Sow cosmos seeds for cheerful flowers that keep blooming all summer long Recycle and reuse: decking offcuts provide the perfect material for creating raised beds for the sitting area
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 ??  ?? Make a feature of drainage solutions: this French drain contains a pipe that carries water to the pond. Jackie and Barry have exposed its gravel layer and planted directly into it
Make a feature of drainage solutions: this French drain contains a pipe that carries water to the pond. Jackie and Barry have exposed its gravel layer and planted directly into it
 ??  ?? Bring together plants with differentl­ycoloured leaves so that each stands out within a border. This hosta looks great with the yellow flowers and fresh green foliage of Lysimachia punctata
Bring together plants with differentl­ycoloured leaves so that each stands out within a border. This hosta looks great with the yellow flowers and fresh green foliage of Lysimachia punctata
 ??  ?? Garden in miniature: pots and pieces of wood provide a perfect setting in which beautiful succulents can be enjoyed in all their glory
Garden in miniature: pots and pieces of wood provide a perfect setting in which beautiful succulents can be enjoyed in all their glory
 ??  ?? Hoist a shade sail over patios and decking to carry on sitting outside even when the sun is warm and bright
Hoist a shade sail over patios and decking to carry on sitting outside even when the sun is warm and bright
 ??  ?? Make room for a vegetable garden but blend it into the overall plot by planting flowers around its edges
Make room for a vegetable garden but blend it into the overall plot by planting flowers around its edges

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