Amateur Gardening

9 perennials for billowing borders


Calamintha nepeta subsp. nepeta ‘Blue Cloud’

This catmint makes rounded clumps of aromatic fragrant foliage topped with clouds of mauve-blue flowers from summer to autumn, attracting plenty of bees and butterflie­s. H x S: 18in (45cm).

Campanula lactiflora ‘Loddon Anna’ AGM

The milky bell flower makes a tall plant of branching stems clad July to September with outward-facing bells of soft lilac-pink. Performs best in a lightly shaded position. H: 4ft (1.2m) S: 30in (75cm).

Helenium ‘Butterpat’ AGM

Sunshine and moist soil bring a display from July to September of many rich golden-yellow daisies. Provide support, spare a few stems for a vase and deadhead to encourage more flowers.

H: 3ft (1m) S: 24in (60cm).

Sidalcea ‘Elsie Heugh’ AGM

The false or prairie mallows are oldfashion­ed border flowers, loved for their midsummer spikes of saucer-shaped, papery-thin pink flowers. Sun, welldraine­d soil and early support ensure a good display. H: 3ft (1m) S: 18in. (45cm).

Delphinium ‘Blue Dawn’ AGM

Perennial border classics, blooming in June and July. For healthy, full-sized plants with plenty of flower spikes provide deep, well-conditione­d soil and no competitio­n from trees and shrubs. H:6ft (1.8m) S: 30in (75cm).

Gypsophila paniculata ‘Bristol Fairy’ AGM

Baby’s breath makes a branching mass erupting into clouds of tiny double white flowers in July and August; an instant bouquet. They need sun and good winter drainage. H and S: 35in (90cm).

Achillea ‘Moonshine’ AGM

A sun-loving yarrow whose feathery greygreen foliage makes the perfect foil for flattened flower heads up to 6in (15cm) across from June to September. Their soft lemon shade seems to shimmer at dusk. H x S: 24in (60cm).

Phlox maculata ‘Omega’ AGM

Cultivars of the early or meadow phlox bloom in early and mid-summer just ahead of P. paniculata hybrids, usefully extending the season. For best results, set plants in moist, humus-rich soil. H: 3ft (1m) S: 18in (45cm).

Pilosella aurantiaca

Mouse-ear hawkweed or fox and cubs makes hairy basal rosettes and stems topped by vivid rusty-orange dandelionl­ike flowers from June to September. Often found in the wild, but great in a border. H: 12in (30cm) S: 18in (45cm).

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