Amateur Gardening

Sooty menace



What is covering the leaves of my Rhyncosper­mum jasminoide­s? Jenny Storey (via email)


This black deposit is sooty mould. It is growing on sugary honeydew excreted by sap-sucking insects, such as aphids or scale insects. Rhyncosper­mum jasminoide­s is prone to infestatio­ns of cushion scale insects.

There is no treatment for sooty mould other than wiping it off, but the scale insects can be dealt with using Vitax Organic Pest & Disease Control Concentrat­e, Westland Resolva Bug Killer or Bug Clear Ultra. The best time to spray is during late June/early July.

 ??  ?? Rhyncosper­mum jasminoide­s is susceptibl­e to sooty mould
Rhyncosper­mum jasminoide­s is susceptibl­e to sooty mould

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