Amateur Gardening

9 purples for the border

Amethyst purple


Cynara cardunculu­s AGM

A mass of silver foliage topped with purple flowerhead­s from June to September. Grows best in well-drained soil in sheltered sun. Seedheads can be dried for the house or left to provide interest in the border during autumn and winter. H: 5-8ft (1.5-2.5m).

Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ AGM

Bees love this smart Balkan sage, which blooms during summer and early autumn. Plant this perennial in welldraine­d soil in sun. Protect the young spring growth from slugs. Cut back after flowering to encourage a second flush of blooms. H: 20in (50cm).

Aster x frikartii ‘Mönch’ AGM

This aster produces generous clumps of blue-purple daisies with golden bosses that feed bees before winter sets in. Grow this mildew-resistant perennial in well-drained humus-rich soil in full sun, in an open site. H: 2-3ft (60-90cm).

Verbena bonariensi­s AGM

Purple top has small clusters of purple flowers on slender stems. Having a ‘see-through’ quality, it can be grown in the middle of the border. Sow or buy as bedding. Wear long-sleeves and gloves to handle vervain, as it can irritate the skin. H: 6ft (1.8m).

Iris ‘Dusky Challenger’

This regal bearded iris commands attention when it blooms in May and June. Plant shallow in well-drained sunbaked soil and allow elbow room because bearded irises like sun on their rhizomes. Lift and divide every two-four years. H: 38in (95cm).

Veronicast­rum virginicum ‘Fascinatio­n’

Pastel-purple flower wands that are visited by bumblebees from July to September tower above whorls of long, pointed green leaves. Plant this Culver’s root in moist, fertile, well-drained soil in sun or semi-shade. H: 4ft (1.2m).

Campanula portenschl­agiana AGM

Good at the border edge or tumbling down a wall, this mat-forming evergreen perennial produces sunsetviol­et bells in summer. Introduce it into cracks in walls or paving. It spreads vigorously in the right conditions.

H: 8in (20cm).

Ipomoea tricolour ‘Grandpa Ott’

The flowers of this morning glory are inky-purple marked with red stars. This short-lived perennial climber is grown as an annual in cold climates. Sow under cover (a windowsill or greenhouse) now or sow direct in May, in retentive, welldraine­d soil in sun. H: 6-10ft (2-3m).

Lavandula x intermedia ‘Grosso’

An abundance of soft blue-purple flowers and aromatic leaves. Best in very well-drained soil in full sun. Grown into low hedging to line a path allows legs to release scent every time they brush the aromatic grey leaves. H: 3ft (90cm).

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Wimbledon purple
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Lavender purple
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