Amateur Gardening

Looking after your bedding

Good care keeps it flowering prolifical­ly into the autumn


NOT only can many varieties of summer bedding plants be vulnerable to our unpredicta­ble weather, they fall foul of pests and diseases too. Slugs and snails will target the soft, fleshy leaves of nicotianas and other foliage-rich varieties, and sap-sucking greenfly will go for just about anything.

Molluscs can be deterred with barriers of wool pellets, Slug Stop, PlantGro slug and snail and any of the other barrier methods available.

Slug pellets containing the toxin metaldehyd­e are now banned on safety grounds so if you need to use the green pellets, make sure they are the ones containing ferric phosphate.

I use barriers against slugs, but if you use pellets, only use two or three at a time, placing them under a tile close to your plants. The slugs will seek shelter under the tile during the day, eat the pellets and die and if concealed under a tile they won’t pose a threat to foraging hedgehogs and other garden wildlife

There are also diseases to contend with. Because bedding is planted en masse to produce the best effect, it can be prone to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew that thrive in conditions where there is dry soil, lots of plants and poor airflow.

You can help them thrive by watering regularly, especially during dry spells, and feeding with a high-potash liquid tomato feed every fortnight. Most annuals are prolific flowerers, so by feeding and deadheadin­g as soon as flowers fade you can encourage your plants to remain colourful and healthy right up until the first frosts.

Support taller varieties when you plant them as this helps prevent weather damage to tender young stems and it’s easier to do now than later on in summer when your beds have filled up.

 ?? ?? Keeping bedding looking good requires care and attention
Keeping bedding looking good requires care and attention
 ?? ?? Slip a couple of slug pellets under a tile
Slip a couple of slug pellets under a tile

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