Amateur Gardening

Frequently asked questions


What is the most common type of hydrangea?

H. macrophyll­a is the most widely grown. Commonly known as hortensia or French hydrangea (even though it is native to Japan), it has large mophead or lacecap flowerhead­s that are usually mid-pink in alkaline soils and mauve or blue in acid soils.

How many different varieties of hydrangea are there?

Almost 2,000! Choose the best for your garden by considerin­g the colour and size you want. Some hydrangeas are large shrubs, while others are compact enough to grow in containers. There are also lovely climbing hydrangeas for north or east-facing walls.

How do I know what type of hydrangea I have?

Look at the shape of the flowers. If the flowers look like lacecaps, it could be a form of H. macrophyll­a, H. serrata, H. arborescen­s or H. aspera. If they are rounded mopheads, you probably have H. macrophyll­a or

H. arborescen­s.

And if they are cone-shaped, it is likely to be H. paniculata or H. quercifoli­a. H. quercifoli­a has unique foliage: somewhat reminiscen­t of oak leaves and producing great autumn colour.

What is the best hydrangea for wildlife?

The lovely climbing hydrangeas – such as H. anomala subsp. petiolaris and Pileostegi­a viburnoide­s – are best for pollinator­s, such as bees. But some of the shrubby hydrangeas also attract wildlife.

What is the best method for drying hydrangeas?

Mophead hydrangeas are one of the best blooms for producing beautiful dried flowers for the house. The trick to success is to avoid harvesting them as soon as they flower because they will wilt and the colour won’t be as good. It is best to wait until early to mid-autumn when they have developed gorgeous colour tones and the petals have developed a slightly papery texture. Cut the longest stems for ease of drying, bind the stems with twine and then hang upside down in a cool, dry, airy place for a fortnight.

 ?? ?? H. macrophyll­a is the most commonly grown hydrangea type
H. macrophyll­a is the most commonly grown hydrangea type
 ?? ?? H. quercifoli­a has long pointed flowers and striking leaves
H. quercifoli­a has long pointed flowers and striking leaves
 ?? ?? Hydrangeas heads dry quickly when hung upside down
Hydrangeas heads dry quickly when hung upside down
 ?? ?? H. anomala subsp. petiolaris attracts bees
H. anomala subsp. petiolaris attracts bees

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