Amateur Gardening

Hedgehog decline due to badgers?


I AM a lover of all wildlife and spend time feeding birds and hedgehogs in my garden. I have always had several hogs visiting during the night and for that reason I installed a trail camera.

Three years ago I saw that a badger was visiting but also noticed a decline in the hedgehog visits. I also found the skins of three dead hogs that had been eaten from the inside out, typical badger behaviour. I picked up several hedgehog visits, but also two badger visits recently.

I was horrified to watch videos of the badger killing the hedgehog on the trail camera yesterday morning. The screams of the hedgehog were unbearable, something I do not ever want to witness again.

For all badger lovers, please think again. Hedgehogs are in such decline and badgers on the increase, the statistics must be linked. Although I am not in the group that call for badgers to be culled, I really think that the time has come to protect our beloved hedgehogs from such brutality that I picked up on my trail camera this week. Jean Crossley, Suffolk

Wendy says This must have been very distressin­g for you, Jean. The website 8 discusses this in a statement from the People’s Trust for Endangered Species and The British Hedgehog Preservati­on Society: “While badgers may play a role in hedgehog decline locally, hedgehogs are absent in many areas where there are no badgers, and in areas where nesting and feeding sites are plentiful, the two species co-exist. Badgers are known to kill and eat hedgehogs, but they feed on earthworms and beetle larvae, which are also favoured by hedgehogs. Competitio­n for the same food, and predation, may result in areas where badger numbers are high. Long-term declines in hedgehog numbers is more likely due to a combinatio­n of factors, including habitat loss or degradatio­n, and road casualties. Culling badgers is unlikely to save hedgehogs. The conservati­on of rural hedgehogs is better achieved by increasing the quality of habitats that support both hedgehogs and badgers.”

 ?? ?? Experts say, identifyin­g badgers as the cause for the decline in hedgehogs isn’t backed by the science
Experts say, identifyin­g badgers as the cause for the decline in hedgehogs isn’t backed by the science

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