Amateur Gardening

Frequently asked questions


■ Do violas grow back every year?

THESE violas are hardy evergreen perennials and with good care they should sit through winter as compact plants in leaf, ready to begin growing again in spring. Spring or early autumn are good times for adding new plants to containers and borders. Violas must have good drainage and dislike heavy clay soils. In case of losses it pays to take cuttings of your named cultivars either in spring from fresh new growth, or in late summer using stems resulting from plants having been cut back.

Clump-forming violas and violettas are easy to divide into smaller sections, either as they get going in spring or when returning to growth after a trim. There are seed strains of some V. cornuta hybrids, such as ‘Arkwright’s Ruby’.

■ How do you keep violas blooming all summer? FOR violas to bloom as profusely as they are able, the plants need to be healthy and well grown. They should receive some sun during the day, but might find full sun too drying on thinner soils. A good depth of fertile, humusrich soil is appreciate­d and a summer mulch of well-rotted compost spread over moist soil around the plants will work wonders. Avoid dry, shady sites under trees as they will not grow or flower well in a dank, gloomy spot.

Deadhead regularly and give straggly plants a midseason cut by about half. As they regrow, give plants a general-purpose liquid feed.

■ How do I look after violas after they have flowered?

IN early autumn, after a long season of flowering and before the weather turns too cold, give plants a final trim by twothirds so they can make a covering of new growth to see them through winter. As long as plants are not exposed to waterloggi­ng they suffer few problems. Aphids (greenfly) can be troublesom­e, but a healthy population of foraging wild birds and other aphid predators and parasites should take care of these.

 ?? ?? Plant perennial violas into fertile, well-drained soil
Plant perennial violas into fertile, well-drained soil
 ?? ?? Cut back straggly plants and apply a liquid feed as plants recover
Cut back straggly plants and apply a liquid feed as plants recover

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