Amateur Gardening

Quick questions & answers


Q Is it too late to start dahlia tubers? M. Wells, Norfolk

A No. Any time between now and late April is ideal. Plant them in pots or trays of potting compost with tubers showing,

After watering your plants, speed them into growth in good light in a temperatur­e of around 18’C/65’F. When new shoots are about 7cm/3in long, use a knife to remove some of them with a small piece of tuber and plant cuttings in pots to grow on for transplant­ing outdoors in early summer.

Q Is wood ash good for plants? Ashley Frank (via email)

A It can be if you keep it dry and don’t use ash from treated timber. It is good for improving the texture of heavy, acid clay soils – check with a soil testing kit – with added potassium, it can help to control club root in brassicas.

Avoid using ash where you are growing potatoes because it increases the risk of scab disease. Never use it around rhododendr­ons, heathers and other chalk-hating plants.

Q Are lilies toxic to all animals? Esme Young (via email)

A Squirrels, rabbits, deer, voles and mice can eat this plant, but it can be fatal for cats. If they chew leaves or pollen adheres to their fur, and our pets lick it off, it can, within 36-72 hours, cause drooling, vomiting, stomach upset and kidney failure.

Cats can also sicken if they drink water from a vase of cut flowers. Dogs may also be harmed, but less so.

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