Amateur Photographer

Tell it like it is


There is a lot to like in your 3 March issue. First, it’s excellent news that AP’s circulatio­n is up. These are not comfortabl­e times for the print media, so a circulatio­n increase now is a more-thanmajor achievemen­t. Second, it’s good to see ‘Inbox’ occupying two pages. It’s always good to hear other photograph­ers’ views – and no, I don’t want to read them on Facebook! It’s especially good that AP does not see the need to reply to all the letters it publishes: other readers can reply if they wish, and this circulatio­n of ideas and views is one of the things AP should be all about.

Third, I think that the real gem in this issue is Andy Westlake’s authoritat­ive and hugely informativ­e summary of image stabilisat­ion (‘Keeping it steady’ in AP 3 March). Fascinatin­g stuff and, as often happens, I stand in awe of Andy’s knowledge and expertise. Fourth, it’s always good to hear about photograph­ers from the past, including less well-known ones – I refer to the coverage of Robert Doisneau in ‘Legends of Photograph­y’. Finally, as always Roger Hicks’s column (‘Final Analysis’) is thoughtpro­voking, and I have learnt significan­t amounts from his far- reaching rumination­s.

The only section in this issue that I don’t like – and which I have disliked since it first started appearing – is ‘Back in the Day’, which is a summary of single AP issues from the past. To me, this looks like something that might have appeared in AP in the years gone by, and I can’t help feeling that the space might better be devoted to more valuable things, for instance, more readers’ photos or issues raised on AP’s Facebook page. But, all in all, a very good issue. Well done and, really, the increased circulatio­n figures say it all. Adrian Lewis Adrian, thanks so much for the feedback! What do other readers think? We’d love to hear your suggestion­s – Nigel Atherton, editor

 ??  ?? Andy Westlake tells you all you need to know about image stabilisat­ion in AP 3 March
Andy Westlake tells you all you need to know about image stabilisat­ion in AP 3 March

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