Amateur Photographer

Better captions


I enjoy AP a lot, and always learn something from it. But I have a pet gripe! We are often shown photos in articles about how to shoot particular types of subject, but they don’t tell us what the subject of the photo is. So for example, in Oscar Dewhurst’s Winter Wings (AP 8 December) there are great pictures of birds, some of which I recognise and some of which I don’t. I am interested in taking bird photos not just to get striking images, but because I am interested in birds too. It would be great to be told what the bird is. It only needs a couple of words, usually. So the flying duck under the wildfowl heading could easily have ‘Northern Shoveler’ added.

The same goes for landscape images. It would only take a couple of words to label an image as Corfe Castle, Loch Etive, and so on. Could you consider doing this as a matter of course? Ian Wilson

We can only work with the informatio­n provided, but I agree that, as far as possible, we should try to provide as informativ­e a caption as possible – Nigel Atherton, Editor

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