Amateur Photographer

A more honest standard


The BBC series Age of the Image by James Fox (on BBC iPlayer) discussed man’s desire to record his world from the earliest cave drawings to the more sophistica­ted paintings, sculptures and photograph­s which followed. The nal episode touched on the invention of the digital image in 1957, followed in 1987 by John Knoll’s holiday snap of his partner Jennifer in Paradise which led to his inventing the great dream factory which we now know as Photoshop. It alarmingly concluded that virtually every image around us is likely to be falsi ed in some way, and in particular the photograph can no longer be trusted. AP will realistica­lly accept that many of the photograph­s it now publishes will be manipulate­d images, yet most people still instinctiv­ely look on the photograph as an accurate depiction of reality. Do not our children, grandchild­ren or others have the right to assume they are looking at a faithful record of the person photograph­ed, stripped of the arti ce of the software dream machine? Leave the profession­al image makers to do what they must, to satisfy the expectatio­ns of demanding clients. We enthusiast­s can aim for a more honest standard. Alan Newall

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