Amateur Photographer



With all that being said, if you have been deliberati­ng on whether to switch to Capture One over any other editing software, I’d say only invest in yourself if you’re ready for the quality of your work to significan­tly improve. I have been using Capture One since 2018 but I’d say I really grew to understand the vast capabiliti­es that the software had to offer from 2020. Which coincident­ally, coincided with when I decided to take my profession­al photograph­y career to the next level. Since then, I have been able to create a style that elevated my online presence, enabling me to not only work with photograph­y brands I had previously looked up to but also be considered for and book incredible portrait, print and commercial commission­s.

Clients buy into how you’re able to capture and enhance your subject while still ensuring they look authentica­lly themselves. Personally, I feel the colour profile capabiliti­es Capture One demonstrat­es, enable you to do just that but on a much more profession­al level compared to competing software options.

Furthermor­e, another aspect Capture One has down to a science is its continued and active support to its consumers. And we all know how important it is feeling supported by a community you have readily invested in. Capture One having an engaged social media team who are steadily on hand to support with troublesho­oting queries from novices all the way to profession­al photograph­ers via its growing online community is incredibly comforting. The online support team upload free tutorials almost weekly and free live seminars on their official YouTube Channel which I fervently exploit. They go into meticulous detail regarding all the new updates and features that have gone live, which for someone who is more of a visual learner, I find incredibly helpful!

So, to conclude, yes, the subscripti­on isn’t the cheapest but I feel that – for what you receive in return from Capture One in regards to free online support, multiple device access, profession­al grade quality and now AI editing – it is well worth the investment!

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