Angling Times (UK)


UK5 is the lightest and stiffest of a five-strong family


AFEW months ago I live tested Garbolino’s stunning new UK4 Power Carp pole. This basically backs up the company’s iconic G Max Power Legion, the first pole ever to be launched with a built-in puller kit.

The UK4 pole excelled under the spotlight – well balanced with power to burn – and proved capable of putting together big weights in double-quick time.

So when the opportunit­y arose to take another of Garbolino’s new UK Carp poles to the bankside for a workout, I jumped at the chance. However, before you join me at Stretton Farm Lakes for the live test, allow me to explain a little about this five-strong collection.

Poles are available to suit everyone’s needs and pockets, starting with the entry level 13m UK7 ProCarp, yours for under £500. It offers strength and rigidity, and is very easy to handle.

The UK6 ProCarp comes in at around £675, and has a super slip-and-slide finish which makes it easy to ship in and out in all weathers.

You can use it at its full 13m all day long without getting weary.

The already live-tested UK4 Carp Power should be on the radar of all serious bag-up merchants.

It’s as powerful a pole as anything I have ever handled, but its balance and rigidity make it a real joy to fish with.

So that just leaves us with the ‘on test’ 13m UK5 ProCarp Match. This pole is claimed by its manufactur­er to be the stiffest and lightest of the new series.

To achieve weight reduction Garbolino has used higher grades of carbon-fibre cloth, but with special attention paid to all the key section stress areas and joints. This is exemplifie­d in the superstron­g ‘anti-ovalling’ female joints with reinforced areas picked out in blue – they are tough as old boots.

The pole also has impressive wall

strength. Having put the squeeze on all nine sections, it’s obvious to me that most of its power is generated from the bottom three, which are nothing short of brutally uncompromi­sing. It will take a lot more than the odd mistimed or overly enthusiast­ic strike to put so much as a dent in them.

All joking aside, there’s plenty in power in reserve even when you’re really leaning into this pole, which makes it fishable in the unruliest of weather and ideal for any open water venue affected by the wind.

It didn’t take much to keep my rig perfectly presented as a pleasant summer breeze ruffled the surface of Stretton Lakes’ dayticket carp pool.

The UK5 coped effortless­ly with a splasher rig, flicking the light float over with ease and speed every time without causing the pole-tip to smack down annoyingly on to the surface.

It was also nicely responsive when used in conjunctio­n with a full-depth rig, allowing a full potful of pellets and corn to be shipped out without spillage.

Later in the day, and with the larger carp muddying the margins, a change to a heavier rig saw plenty of lively action and a healthy bend in the pole, which by then had come through the day ticking all the right boxes.

Price: RRP £999.99, SSP £799.99

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