Angling Times (UK)

Huge zander

from Severn and Trent


“Out of the corner of my eye I saw my float disappear”

THE flurry of big end-ofseason zander continued this week with the capture of huge fish from two Midlands rivers.

Both the Severn and Trent have been in remarkable form for the species since the turn of the year, and Lewis Bastin was the latest angler to capitalise on the rich bounty when he banked a personal-best specimen weighing 16lb 2oz.

The catch was made on the Severn, where Lewis was out on a trip with his friend and zander guide, Ash Bradley. The pair used a boat to explore a number of likely-looking spots with trotted roach deadbaits, but were obliged to wait until dusk before the action began.

Lewis told Angling Times: “Despite setting off at first light, we didn’t have a single touch all day. Then, out of the corner of my eye at last knockings, I saw my float disappear. Upon striking I was convinced it was a pike, until it rolled – that’s when I realised it was a massive zander!”

In recent years Lewis has travelled all over the world fishing, and has compiled a list of species he wants to catch from different countries. Zander were on his hit-list for the UK, although he’s smashed the target he set himself for the enigmatic predator.

He explained: “I’ve caught some big fish from different countries, and with zander being one of my UK targets I had set myself the challenge of catching one of over 10lb. I never dreamt that I’d catch one of 15lb-plus, though!” Lewis said.

Another angler getting in on the

big zander action last week was seasoned specimen hunter Craig Woolhouse, who banked a superb brace of big fish weighing 14lb 10oz and 14lb.

The Leicesters­hire rod was fishing a short evening session on the Trent when he took the two fish just 20 minutes apart. Craig, who added a smaller zander and a 10lb pike to his tally, said: “I got the first fish at around 10pm and the second one arrived not long after on the same rod. They both took roach deadbaits presented in a deep channel in the river.”

 ??  ?? Lewis Bastin’s 16lb 2oz Severn zander pb.
Lewis Bastin’s 16lb 2oz Severn zander pb.
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