Angling Times (UK)

River Trent

...and big barbel get in on the act as river fishes its head off

- IAN JONES News Editor

chub go on the feed

NO FEWER than three chub over 7lb have been landed from the River Trent in another fantastic week for the species .

First of the trio fell to specimen hunter Alfie Naylor, who latched into a 7lb 2oz beauty (below) during a session with his friend Brian Skoyles.

Alfie told Angling Times: “We both introduced a steady flow of bait during the evening, hoping to build up our swim, but the river is still far from easy due to being very low and clear.

“The action was slow and I only had two bites into late evening – but they were from good fish.

“The first was a lovely 7lb 2oz chub, the second a double-figure barbel at 10lb 8oz.”

Alfie tempted both on a running rig incorporat­ing a 5ft hooklink and a Premier Baits wafter hookbait over scattering­s of the same.

Jay Elliot was next in line to enjoy Trent chub success when he slipped the net under another 7lb 2oz specimen.

The fish was a new personal best for the Vortex Baits-backed angler, and the biggest of several caught during a five-hour evening session on a section of the middle river.

Martin Allen completed the hat-trick of specimen chub when he hooked into a 7lb beauty from another middle Trent stretch. Martin, another angler who is sponsored by Vortex Baits,

targeted the inside of a crease with pellets and Vortex Baits Squid Liver chops to get the fish feeding.

A running hair rig with a boilie wrapped in paste and a small PVA bag attached to the lead was the route chosen by Martin to get the all-important bite.

This approach also worked for another chub of 6lb 1oz and an 11lb barbel to complete a memorable session.

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