Angling Times (UK)

Fishery of the Week

We try Naseby Reservoir... and find the big carp feeding!


MANY would be daunted by a water of nearly 93 acres, but on a trip to Naseby Reservoir, Angling Times reporters Freddie Sandford and Chris Haydon cracked it in style.

Arriving just after dawn, the pair set up on the dam wall in search of Naseby’s most popular species. Freddie would be targeting the quality stocks of roach, while Chris would be after the venue’s hungry carp.


After much-welcomed advice from the bailiff, Freddie decided to go for the roach by fishing two lines.

The first plan of attack was to fish an open-ended feeder in conjunctio­n with a dark groundbait, casting to a trough some 30 yards out. On his second line he opted to fish the waggler, and steadily fed an area at 11m with a pouchful of maggots and hemp. With depths of nearly 10ft in this area, Freddie hoped to draw fish off the bottom and catch them shallow. This second tactic proved the more effective, and the float sailed under instantly on almost every putin, with gorgeous little redfins around 2oz-4oz apiece.


Fishing alongside Freddie on the dam wall, Chris’s plans for the carp were simple. He opted to fish singles until the fish told him what to do. After nabbing a 22lb fish on a single white pop-up in the first 15 minutes, and seeing fish rolling consistent­ly in the area, it became apparent that they wanted some grub!

A quick cast about with the Deeper Pro+ fish-finder revealed an even depth at around 10 wraps out – an ideal place to lay a banquet for the hungry carp. With six Spombs of pellets, chopped and whole boilies in the swim it was time to wait for the solid bag rigs presented over the top of the feed to be picked up. It didn’t take long, and Chris then caught carp steadily every hour.


When the Naseby carp show up they can provide some tremendous sport, and at an average weight of around 18lb, they give a very good account of themselves too.

Throughout the day carp investigat­ed both Chris and Freddie’s spots, Freddie having to hold on for dear life as his light feeder rod and low-diameter line were tested several times.

The highlight was a battle that lasted for nearly an hour with a 17lb mirror hooked firmly on a size 20.

The final tally for the pair was an impressive 12-fish haul of carp, which included three over the 20lb mark.

This was on top of a doublefigu­re bag of roach for Freddie, and just goes to show the quality of the fishing Naseby has to offer.

These aren’t the only fish in Naseby either – on the day of their visit several anglers on the dam wall were targeting pike, and had stories to tell of predators to over 30lb. Certainly one to look out for this winter!

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 ??  ?? Freddie’s netful of Naseby roach.
Freddie’s netful of Naseby roach.
 ??  ?? Freddie plays a carp on light feeder tackle.
Freddie plays a carp on light feeder tackle.

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