Angling Times (UK)


Ravensthor­pe beauty weighs in at 44lb 12oz


Brendan Guilar, 44lb 12oz pike, Ravensthor­pe Res

BRENDAN Guilar came within a couple of pounds of beating the British pike record after boating a colossal 44lb 12oz predator from Ravensthor­pe Reservoir in Northampto­nshire.

To help cover as much water as possible at the 114-acre venue, the 65-year-old suspended his herring deadbait under a drifter float which eventually buried from sight around 70 yards away from his boat.

“I’d already took a couple of small jacks in the morning, so

when I wound down into this fish I knew I’d hooked something completely different. This pike stayed deep from the off, then went bananas! I thought it was a good ‘thirty’, but it wasn’t until I got it in the net 10 minutes later that I realised I’d caught a true monster,” said Brendan.

 ??  ?? Brendan cradles his Ravensthor­pe giant!
Brendan cradles his Ravensthor­pe giant!

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