Angling Times (UK)


700lb haul of carp

- FREDDIE SANDFORD News reporter

ONE of the most remarkable catches of the season has been taken by a match angler who landed a staggering 707lb 12oz of carp in a five-hour event.

Roy Jones was the man responsibl­e for the arm-aching haul, taking full advantage of a feeding spree at Kent’s day-ticket Chart Fishery to set a new record for the Andy’s Mob club.

At times there were so many fish in Roy’s peg that he was being interrupte­d while attempting to land his fish.

“It was mental!” Roy exclaimed. “The carp were jumping out of the lake just like dolphins when I arrived, there were that many fish in the peg.

“One problem I had was that while attempting to land a hooked fish, other carp were finding their way into my landing net! Of course, these went straight back.

“We do a weigh-in at the three-hour mark, and at this point I had 385lb, but it was once I started fishing again that things got really silly.

“I was able to catch carp just a few metres from the bank on floating baits.”

At the end of the match Roy had a dozen keepnets in, and he came well prepared for a hectic day’s sport.

“I had been told that some really big weights were being caught shallow, so I came ready for a huge catch.

“I elasticate­d five top kits with red Hydrolasti­c, and spent time drilling 200 pellets for the hook, as well as 150 baits to use on the surface.

“You’re allowed floating baits on the hook here, and these were deadly.

“I had an absolutely brilliant day – but I’m knackered now!”

 ??  ?? The Chart carp were feeding right off the top.
The Chart carp were feeding right off the top.
 ??  ?? Roy Jones – well prepared for battle.
Roy Jones – well prepared for battle.
 ??  ??

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