Angling Times (UK)

THOM AIRS – 32lb 7oz MIRROR, 2018 “Hemp oil in my baits has transforme­d my carp fishing”


How hemp oil transforme­d one angler’s carp fishing fortunes

“THE biggest single change I’ve made in my carp fishing in recent years has been the use of hemp oil in my baits.

“Hemp, as many anglers know, is a hugely attractive bait for most species of coarse fish, but we’re more used to seeing it in grain form rather than as a thick oily liquid.

“I had used the grains in various spod mixes throughout my time as a carp angler, but it was about a decade ago that I first got wind of the effectiven­ess of the oil.

“If you want to know what’s at the cutting edge of carp-catching techniques then it pays to study what the most successful anglers on the carp-match circuit are doing. The elite-level pairs who fish the British Carp Cup, BCAC and similar events are always striving for an edge over the rest of the field, and often what they use in secrecy one year will filter down to the masses a season or two later.

“Recent carp angling bait trends, like the bulk use of maggots and worms, have come from this highly competitiv­e world. It was here that the use of hemp oil – specifical­ly injected into solid PVA bags – seemed to be a big advantage.

“Initially, I added hemp oil to PVA bags with a syringe to create a concentrat­ed patch of attraction, but once I was familiar with its properties I began using it across all aspects of my fishing.

“Perhaps my favourite way to use hemp oil is when floater fishing. A few squirts over your loose offerings create an incredible oil-slick effect on the surface which calms the ripples, making it far easier to see your hookbait – it’s almost like playing God!

“Another advantage of dousing your freebies in hemp oil is that it serves as an indicator of when fish are over your baited area. A couple of years ago I had a red-letter day on my syndicate venue fishing on the bottom with broken boilies soaked in hemp oil. When the bait was disturbed a slick would form on the surface, allowing me to judge when to add more food to the area.

“This visual signal allowed me to keep baiting at optimum times, keep the fish in my swim and build a big hit. This 32lb 7oz mirror was the pick of six fish in a day.”

 ??  ?? Boosting his baits helped Thom catch this 32lb 7oz mirror.
Boosting his baits helped Thom catch this 32lb 7oz mirror.
 ??  ?? Hemp oil gives you all the attraction of the seed, without adding food items.
Hemp oil gives you all the attraction of the seed, without adding food items.

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