Angling Times (UK)


- Carpfeed Editor, Chris Haydon

I HOPE everyone is loving being back on the banks – I certainly am! I have to say one thing, I have been fishing for around 20 years and I’ve never seen so many people taking part in our sport.

No matter where I have been of late, whether it be on the canal, riverbank or at my club waters in the Cotswold Water Park, there have always been other anglers about. Is it possible that despite everything bad that has happened, angling may benefit from a massive revival? I certainly hope so!

Of course, having more anglers on the bank does come with its negatives, especially for us carpers who want to get on some fish and enjoy a bit of peaceful rural relaxation.

Suddenly, even the quieter lakes have people occupying the main swims and this can make the fishing a lot more challengin­g. Then, even when you find them, the carp are becoming noticeably more cautious.

Luckily, if you are a regular Carpfeed reader we have just agreed a new deal with big-carp expert Adam Penning. In his new series he will be helping you stand out from the crowds and fool these pressured fish consistent­ly.

I took on Adam’s advice and applied it to my own fishing recently and, even in what many would consider to be the ‘duff’ swims on my lake, I have managed to catch a couple. It just shows, even when it is busy, you can still work with what you have in front of you and make it happen.

If you have managed to get out carping recently and landed a chunk or two, we would love to see your pictures. You can contact us on all the popular social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Tight lines all – enjoy July’s issue.

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