Angling Times (UK)


Canal Pool at Alvechurch


SNAKE lakes are usually purpose-made for carp and F1s, but the Canal Pool at Alvechurch Fisheries is a notable exception to the rule.

Bumper mixed bags are always on the cards at this Midlands gem, with stacks of ide, barbel and skimmers complement­ing the resident carp.

There are 27 pegs to launch your attack from and, although they may look identical, there are plenty of subtle difference­s, especially beneath the waterline.

Fishing to the far bank isn’t necessary, since some of the most impressive catches each summer are taken using close-range tactics along the near margin. A BARBEL HOTSPOT The barbel were stocked at just a few ounces but they now average 2lb-3lb. They move around the pool in big groups and if you locate them there’s every chance you’ll put together a 100lb net. They love maggots, and fishing on the bottom in the margins is a sure way to whip them into a frenzy. Use at least a 0.14mm hooklength and a size 16 hook, as these fish have power to burn. Peg 22 is a great one to try, because the reed cover is dense and the nearby aerator creates a slight flow that the fish take advantage of. B GOOD AERATION Arrive at your peg and you’ll probably notice a mini Jacuzzi in the middle of your peg. This is a form of aeration that blows air up from the bottom and helps keep the fish stocks healthy. It has very little effect on rig presentati­on and doesn’t lead to the water towing. The fish do like to sit near these aerators, though, and fishing a shallow rig close to them is sure to bring some action.


If carp are your primary target, pellets are the only bait you’ll need – 4mm for feed and a banded 6mm hooker. The fish average 3lb but run to about 8lb. Fishing in the shallowest water will bring the most bites and this means attacking either the margins or the far bank. Cup in a pinch of freebies after each fish to keep bites coming, but resist the urge to go too heavy on the bait as this will only attract too many carp and lead to line bites and foul-hookers. Pegs 12, 16 and 17 are renowned for the better carp.


As with the barbel, the ide in Canal Pool are getting ever bigger and fish of around 2lb are not uncommon. They spend most of the summer cruising in the upper layers, and shallow fishing on the pole down the middle will gain a response. Set your rig around a foot deep and make sure you have a short length of line between pole-tip and float to help improve the number of bites you hit. Loosefeed casters by hand every minute and use a banded caster as hookbait.

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