Angling Times (UK)



“ON a bright spring day I decided to have a session at a commercial fishery in Kent to try to catch one of its big perch. There had been torrential rain the day before, and when I arrived late morning I saw that this had caused the lake to colour up, leaving around 1ft of visibility.

“I’d planned to use a discreetly-coloured, soft plastic lure, worked along the bottom, but after seeing the water conditions I knew that something more vibrant would be called for. I reached for the loudest and brightest lure in the box – a Rattlin’ Salmo Hornet. As its name suggests, it has a rattle, which would hopefully create a commotion and alert the perch, and it was also a lovely vibrant yellow colour.

“After seeing a few baitfish top on the south side of the lake, I chose to start there. First cast I had a take, but didn’t connect, and when the same thing happened twice more in the next few casts, I realised something was up. I’d recently changed the hooks on the lure over to singles, so I decided to switch them back to small trebles.

“First cast back out I connected with a good fish, and after a few deep lunges and tense headshakes I netted a stunning 3lb 6oz perch.

“After taking a few photos, I cast back out, and shortly after struck into another fish. This one just stayed deep, battling away. When it surfaced, I came face to face with the biggest perch I’d ever seen. It weighed 4lb 6oz, and I was in total shock!

“Once I’d released my prize, it was straight back out with the lure again, and over the next few casts I had two more perch weighing 3lb 8oz and 3lb 15oz. I was at the gates of perch heaven. and the bright, rattling lure was the key!

“Just as soon as the action started, it finished, but in a manic one-hour spell I’d missed three takes, lost a fish, and landed four between 3lb 6oz and 4lb 6oz. I’m privileged to experience what can only be described as the best perch session of my life!”

“When it surfaced I came face to face with the biggest perch I’d ever seen.”

 ??  ?? Guy’s best perch in an incredible day’s fishing weighed in at 4lb 6oz. THE GAME CHANGER
Guy’s best perch in an incredible day’s fishing weighed in at 4lb 6oz. THE GAME CHANGER
 ??  ?? The Rattlin’ Salmo Hornet lure Guy used.
The Rattlin’ Salmo Hornet lure Guy used.

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