Angling Times (UK)



WHAT’S believed to be the longest cast ever on carp gear has been recorded at a remarkable 242m!

London carper Jermaine Hull was the man responsibl­e for the feat, punching a lead over a distance equivalent to almost five Olympic swimming pools, 2.7 football pitches or 27 double decker buses.

The record was broken on a savagely windy day at a competitio­n in Steyning, Surrey, and Jermaine believes there are several key factors to hitting such distances.

“You need a mixture of technique, strength, and favourable conditions,” he said. “There’s no doubt that others could potentiall­y cast even further.”

Jermaine used some hefty gear to hit his target, including a 4.5oz distance lead, 0.25mm monofilame­nt mainline and a 4lb Test Curve Free Spirit Hi-S 220 rod.

Want to learn how to cast to the horizon? Turn to pages 42&43 for Jermaine’s top tips

 ?? ?? Jermaine has set a new record at a whopping 242m.
Jermaine has set a new record at a whopping 242m.

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