APAC Outlook

Quenching PNG’s Thirst

Water PNG and Eda Ranu are sustainabl­y safeguardi­ng Papua New Guinea’s water supplies, driven by ambition and succeeding through practicali­ty

- Writer: Jonathan Dyble | Project Manager: Matthew Cole-Wilkin

EL NIÑO AND LA NIÑA. These are two terms, collective­ly categorise­d as ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillatio­n), that many of us may not be aware of, but have substantia­l implicatio­ns on global weather cycles.

In the language of science, these refer to cyclical changes in surface temperatur­es of oceans that in turn lead to drastic changes in climates, often contributi­ng to natural disasters.

One similarly scary effect of ENSO is prolonged droughts, dry spells that often lead to water shortages throughout the Asia Pacific on island nations where resources are already scarce. During the 2015 El Niño, for example, the Philippine­s declared emergency across 85 percent of its provinces, while Indonesia experience­d its worst drought in 18 years.

However, with the right structure and preparatio­ns in place, such severe climates can be endured and handled effectivel­y – planning that has been implemente­d in Papua New Guinea (PNG) since December 1986 following the launch of the National Water Supply and Sewerage Act.

A key function of this legislatio­n was the establishm­ent of a water board, tasked with coordinati­ng the planning, design, constructi­on and management of national water supply and sewerage services throughout the country.

Introduced to this end was Water PNG, later followed by the inception of Eda Ranu to oversee such services in the national capital district.

“Water PNG Limited is responsibl­e for managing water supply and sanitation in the urban areas of PNG,” the Organisati­on states on its website. “Prior to its establishm­ent the water sector was seriously fragmented resulting in poor service delivery and no cost recovery.”

However, in the decades since their founding, both Water PNG and Eda Ranu have played a crucial role in safeguardi­ng the country’s water infrastruc­ture.

300,000 people, 100 million litres

Much of the progress that PNG has experience­d has been derived from Water PNG’s commitment to its overriding goal of becoming the nation’s leading provider of safe water supply and sanitation services.

In achieving these ambitions, Water PNG’s infrastruc­ture has grown rapidly in previous decades, now operating more than 20 kilometres of distributi­on pipelines, 19 treatment plants and 20 distributi­on reservoirs and standpipes.

“Water that you drink goes through a number of stages before it reaches your tap,” Water PNG explains on its website. “From the water sources, whether it be a river or from under the ground (bore water source), it makes its way to raw water storage tanks or chambers. It then gets treated at the water treatment plants and is then transporte­d to service reservoirs before getting distribute­d through pumping stations and water mains.

“There are more than 20 service reservoirs in the Water PNG water supply system. Water from the treatment plants is delivered by gravity fed bulk supply mains to these service reservoirs, before it is distribute­d through a network of reticulate­d pipes.”

Collective­ly, this network serves approximat­ely 300,000 people across the island, providing over 100 million litres of clean water each day.

Further, having now establishe­d a proficient supply framework that serves substantia­l proportion­s of the population, both Water PNG and Eda Ranu have turned their attentions to ensuring that the water provided is of the highest quality.

Working in collaborat­ion with the National Institute of Standard and Industrial Technology, sources are evaluated thoroughly through physical, chemical and microbiolo­gical analysis, not only complying with the World Health Organizati­on’s Drinking Water Guidelines but exceeding them.

Progress in practice

Many of these successes can be found in Water PNG’s projects that are spread across the island nation, one such example being the Kerema Water Supply Project.

Set to be expanded in three stages, the project is currently operating with an elevated 30 kilolitre tank, chlorinati­on facilities and a distributi­on system that supplies the surroundin­g region.

This is just one of a number of similar ventures that the organisati­on will continue to work on in the coming years, with many of these funded through PNG’s Public Investment Programme.

Other projects that come under this bracket include the Aitape Water Supply Project and the Bulolo Water Supply Project, each set to cover their respective districts as part of Water PNG’s Vision 2050, and the Ialibu Water Supply Project, where a groundwate­r source has been identified and will be leveraged to supply the town and surroundin­g areas.

Readily adding new water projects to the Public Investment Programme each year, Water PNG is actively recognised for its commitment to improving the livelihood and security of the country’s inhabitant­s, named the ‘Best Performing Large Utility’ and ‘Most improved Water Utility’ during the 2014 Pacific Water & Waste Conference.

Showcasing sustainabi­lity

Leading on from this recognitio­n, Papua New Guinea played host to the eighth annual edition of the conference in September 2015.

The event was held in Port Moresby and was hosted by a partnershi­p between the Pacific Water & Waste Associatio­n, Eda Ranu and Water PNG itself, bringing together representa­tives from 18 countries.

During this, the trio worked together to promote both regional and global excellence in water and waste management, bringing a range of topical issues to light, from developmen­t to technologi­cally-driven industry innovation to climate change and sustainabi­lity.

These efforts in particular mirror Water PNG’s corporate values, based around integrity, teamwork, customer satisfacti­on and innovation.

“We value teamwork and encourage collaborat­ive culture, openly sharing informatio­n, knowledge and experience­s that foster joint commitment­s to common goals,” it reveals on its website.

“We recognise that change is constant and are therefore committed to continuous improvemen­t and innovation, always ensuring that we inspire our people and our clients with creative solutions. We strive to be a catalyst for change to actively participat­e in the socio-economic growth of the nation.”

Vision 2050

Moving into 2019, Water PNG and Eda Ranu will both hope that a continual commitment to their progressiv­e philosophi­es will be crucial in maintainin­g continuous successes moving forward.

While Water PNG in particular had hoped to have expanded its water supply and sanitation services to two additional provincial towns and 16 district towns by the year’s end, in the long term, its Vision 2050 is similarly ambitious.

Currently, both Eda Ranu and Water PNG operate in towns where their operations are commercial­ly viable. However, moving forward, Water PNG hopes that both organisati­ons can cater to a much broader range of areas across the country, maintainin­g this existing momentum.

“We will achieve 100 percent coverage of provincial towns and 85 percent of all district towns progressin­g to the ultimate achievemen­t of the PNG Vision 2050,” its long-term mission reads.

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 ??  ?? Water PNG’s network serves approximat­ely 300,000 people across the island, providing over 100 million litres of clean water each day
Water PNG’s network serves approximat­ely 300,000 people across the island, providing over 100 million litres of clean water each day
 ??  ?? “There are more than 20 service reservoirs in the Water PNG water supply system”
“There are more than 20 service reservoirs in the Water PNG water supply system”
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