APAC Outlook


Paul Abfalter, Head of North Asia for Telstra, tells the story of the region’s ever-improving digital transforma­tion prospects

- Writer: Jonathan Dyble

Telstra on North Asia’s digital transforma­tion prospects

The continent has a strong global standing in innovation. The digital revolution is enabling local businesses to thrive, while government­s are leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of creating environmen­ts that enable rapid technology-led change in business and society.”

Paul Abfalter is referring to the rise of digital transforma­tion in Asia and, more specifical­ly, the region’s northern markets.

“Why telecommun­ications?” he responds when asked what led him to becoming Telstra’s Head of North Asia. “Ultimately, I was attracted to the pace of innovation and change, both within the industry itself and as a catalyst for the rest of the economy.

“It’s probably no surprise that I started working on Asian projects 20

years ago and have been permanentl­y based in Hong Kong for over a decade – the region has become synonymous with excitement and promise.”

Abfalter proceeds to cite research from the latest Asian Digital Transforma­tion Index, created in by The Economist Intelligen­ce Unit and commission­ed by Telstra, that really brings this claim to life.

The report, which ranks Asian economies in their developmen­t of digital infrastruc­ture, skills and technology ecosystems, names Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan as the five most digitally ready states, the latter four of these all being northern markets.

“There are a couple of reasons behind this,” Abfalter reveals. “Firstly, there has been significan­t investment and long-term planning in digital infrastruc­ture, with particular focus on reliable, fast and affordable digital connectivi­ty – critical to nurturing positive environmen­ts for digital transforma­tion.

“Secondly, North Asian economies are differenti­ated by their talent. While Asia, much like the rest of the world, faces significan­t challenges in finding the right people to drive transforma­tion forward, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea boast sizeable pools of technology profession­als relative to their overall workforce.”

Considerin­g the facts

A secondary whitepaper from Telstra, its Disruptive Decision-Making report, showcases a number of major global industries that are already embodying the merits of digital transforma­tion.

Within this, the mining industry leads the way, followed by profession­al services, transport and logistics, constructi­on and financial services.

“A number of mining companies have seized the opportunit­y to increase productivi­ty, reduce costs and improve production and safety through increased digitisati­on and smart use of big data,” states Abfalter.

“Similarly, transport and logistics companies have been highly successful in using new technology to solve old problems.

“Those most successful in transport, for instance, are cutting costs and building efficienci­es by using IoT technologi­es to track the movement of vehicles for real‐time fleet management and increase customer visibility.”

At the same time, however, the survey of 3,810 decision makers from 12 industries across 14 markets equally reveals that North Asia, much like the rest of the world, is still getting to grips with the challenges of digital transforma­tion.

“If we look at North Asia through a Hong Kong lens, we can see varying levels of digital uptake from local organisati­ons,” Abfalter reveals. “Despite the hype, many organisati­ons are still just starting their transforma­tion journeys. In fact, more than a quarter of Hong Kong businesses haven’t even begun a digital transforma­tion journey, and only 14 percent described their business as highly digitally mature, below the global benchmark of 21 percent.”

The research does provide some cause for optimism, forecastin­g that more than a third of Hong Kong-based organisati­ons will up their total spend on digital transforma­tion by more than 10 percent in the next three years, also highlighti­ng that roughly one in four businesses invested more than $1 million into digital transforma­tion products and services over the past year.

However, the key takeaways point to slow progress and gradual transition­s for many companies, organisati­ons and government­s.

“What we’re seeing,” Abfalter adds, “is that digital transforma­tion is being placed increasing­ly high on boardroom agendas, but equally it is also a major challenge for this generation of business leaders.”

Striving for solutions

In order to help enterprise­s accelerate their digitisati­on efforts and better prepare for the incorporat­ion of new, game-changing technologi­es, Telstra has been seeking to understand the pivotal factors behind successful transforma­tions.

These factors have manifested themselves in four key pillars – people, processes, technologi­es and partnershi­ps. And what Telstra has found is that organisati­ons are leaning too heavily on technology at the expense of the other pillars, falling into the common misconcept­ion that technology is the silver bullet for success.

“When rating business capabiliti­es across the four key variables, our results found that an understand­ing of technology is rated highest by a significan­t margin and there is a much lower focus on people and partnershi­ps,” Abfalter states. “On the flip side, our findings also show that the most digitally advanced organisati­ons have a much greater focus on their people than technology as an enabler.

“While digital transforma­tions are technology-enabled, they are people-led. They rely on having the right culture, the right individual­s and the right processes to support them, and this must be a company-wide approach that involves upskilling employees, adapting structures and ways of working, and empowering people to seize the potential of new technologi­es.”

In realising this, Hong Kong, North Asia and indeed global companies stand to benefit from a mirage of revolution­ary changes, from optimised efficienci­es to increased customer experience­s to improved customer loyalty.

Abfalter concludes: “Globally, digitally mature companies are three times more likely to achieve successful revenue growth compared to businesses that haven’t started their transforma­tion journey. This trend is consistent across all business outcomes, including increasing profit margins.

“Granted, undertakin­g any transforma­tion is no easy task, but making the right digital decisions sooner rather than later will undoubtedl­y produce significan­t rewards.”

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