Apollo Magazine (UK)

April highlights


Giorgio de Chirico: Metaphysic­al Painting

Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris 1 April–13 July www.musee-orangerie.fr

Between his arrival in Paris in

and the end of the First World War, De Chirico founded the metaphysic­al painting movement. This exhibition explores his influences during this period, while also looking back to his years as a student in Munich.

Zanele Muholi

Tate Modern, London 29 April–18 October www.tate.org.uk

Since the early s, Muholi has taken photograph­s that look unflinchin­gly at the divisions of post-apartheid South Africa. This is the artist’s biggest UK survey to date and among the works on show are key series focusing on the politics of race and gender, as well as theatrical self-portraits.

Carl Fabergé & Feodor Rückert: Masterpiec­es of Russian Enamel Moscow Kremlin Museums 17 April–16 August www.kreml.ru

Taking a broad view of the production of enamelware in Moscow, this show places works by Carl Fabergé, Feodor Rückert and lesser-known jewellers alongside Russian paintings and Chinese porcelain that inspired their sumptuous designs.

Si Lewen: The Parade Menil Collection, Houston 24 April–23 August www.menil.org

First published in , The Parade by Polish-born artist Si Lewen lays bare the brutality of war in a series of stark charcoal works, drawing on his interest in cinema and his experience of the US army. This display is the first to bring together all of the original drawings from the book.

Giuseppe Bezzuoli (1789– 1855): A Master Painter of the Romantic Era

Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence 3 April–31 July www.uffizi.it

From early neoclassic­al canvases to major history paintings, this exhibition charts the career of a leading light of Florentine Romanticis­m. Bezzuoli’s work is shown alongside that of other important Romantics, including Ingres and Francesco Hayez.

Albrecht Altdorfer: Master of the German Renaissanc­e

Musée du Louvre, Paris 23 April–3 August www.louvre.fr

The Bavarian artist, who worked for Maximilian I, made an unparallel­ed contributi­on to the developmen­t of modern landscape painting yet he remains less well known than peers such as Cranach. This show of paintings and works on paper looks to redress the balance.

Tantra: Enlightenm­ent to Revolution

British Museum, London 23 April–26 July www.britishmus­eum.org

This display of more than works argues that the ancient philosophy of tantra – which originated in India in the th century – has been a force for political and sexual transgress­ion. Depictions of goddesses defying gender norms sit alongside material revealing tantra’s impact on countercul­ture.

The Torlonia Marbles: Collecting Masterpiec­es

Musei Capitolini, Rome 4 April–10 January 2021 www.museicapit­olini.org

For the first time in years, a selection of the Roman antiquitie­s amassed by the princes Torlonia goes on display, in an exhibition that traces the growth of this major collection formed in the th century. Many of the sculptures here have been newly conserved.

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