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Chieftain of the puddin’ race gets a Portavadie makeover


HAGGIS, tatties and champit neeps are the traditiona­l fare at a Burns Supper.

Plain, simple and delicious when done well.

But if you want to try something a little more ambitious for Burns Night this year, why not have a go at this delicious recipe, supplied courtesy of Liam Murphy, executive chef at Portavadie marina and spa on the shores of Loch Fyne.

Braised shin of beef, haggis ravioli, saltbaked swede and puree, mash potato bon bon, and Portavadie malt whisky jus. Serves 10 Ingredient­s:

Braised beef shin

3k beef shin Two carrots Half stick celery 20g fresh rosemary 20g fresh thyme One litre red wine Half bulb of garlic Two large onions

Haggis ravioli

500g haggis Three free range eggs 300g double zero pasta flour

Salt-baked swede

One large swede Five egg whites 300g salt 500ml water 500g strong white flour

Potato croquette

Seasoned mash potato 500 grams Flour /Egg/ panko bread crumbs

Curly kale

A couple of blanched kale leaves (plenty of salted boiling water to blanch)

Portavadie whisky sauce

300ml fresh veal jus 100 ml Portavadie whisky

Beef shin

Cut the beef shin into large chunks 3-4 inches, colour with vegetables and herbs till golden brown in pre-heated pan. De-glaze the pan with the red wine, pour the red wine over the beef and vegetables and top up with water till just covered. Cook at 130c for four hours in a pre-heated oven. When cooked, remove the beef from the liquid and remove any excess fat or sinew while flaking the meat. Reduce the liquor down to a sticky glaze mix before adding 200ml (reserve the remaining sauce for plating) through the beef and roll tight into three-inch-wide cylinders with cling film and set in the fridge. Cut into four-inch cylinders and shape then reheat in a pre-heated oven 180c for 12 minutes.


Put the double zero flour and eggs into a food processor, blend to a paste then work with your hands till smooth. Rest for 30 minutes. Put the pasta dough through a pasta machine starting at the thickest setting to the thinnest, cut out into discs and fill with the haggis. Cook for five minutes in boiling water.

Salt-baked swede

Mix the flour, salt, egg whites and water till a dough forms. Roll out thinly and cover the whole unpeeled swede, making sure there are no air bubbles. Cook at 180c for 1hr 20 minutes Allow to cool. Break open the pastry and peel the swede, cut into six lengthways and slice across to form thick triangles. Colour in a pan with butter.

Potato croquette

Season the mashed potato with butter and salt, roll into balls and chill. Run the potato balls first through the flour then the beaten eggs finally the bread crumbs. Deep fry at 180c for five minutes.

Portavadie whisky jus

In a hot pan put the whisky and flambé till any alcohol is cooked off, add the veal jus glaze over the reheated beef shin. Garnish with curly kale. Serve and enjoy – after the Selkirk Grace, of course.

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