Argyllshire Advertiser

Scunnered with Trump? Fed up with Brexit?


EVER get the feeling we are surrounded by bad news these days?

As an antidote to the constant barrage of stories about the new US president and the ongoing Brexit saga, we thought it was a good time to consider ways of clearing the head.

Here are a few ideas that might help soothe the weary spirit - and they won’t cost the earth.

Take a dip in Loch Fyne and shock yourself into appreciati­ng the scenery around you.

Head to Crinan to watch a spectacula­r sunset.

Climb to the top of Meall Mhor to see how far the beauty of Argyll spreads.

Invite your neighbour round for a cuppa and keep the famous Argyll community spirit alive with a blether and a gossip.

Visit a historic site and let your imaginatio­n run wild.

Be adventurou­s and go to a coffee morning in a different village - you never know who you might meet.

When the next meteor shower or Northern Lights display is expected, find somewhere dark and quiet to watch from.

Shop local - you never know what hidden gems you might find and what wee gems of gossip (again) you may hear. On a rainy Argyll day, don’t feel guilty about curling up in front of the fire to lose yourself in your favourite book or film. Or embrace the rain, pull your wellies on and go for a boggy, muddy walk, taking time to jump in the biggest puddles.

 ??  ?? Enjoy a dramatic sunset at Crinan.
Enjoy a dramatic sunset at Crinan.
 ??  ?? Look out to the Arrochar Alps from Meall Mhor.
Look out to the Arrochar Alps from Meall Mhor.
 ??  ?? Splish and splash through the puddles.
Splish and splash through the puddles.

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