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Director’s hope Argyll and Bute tourism can recover


Community spirit, enterprise and passion for Argyll and the Isles will help see tourism businesses through the ‘hugely challengin­g’ coronaviru­s pandemic, says VisitScotl­and regional director David Adams McGilp.

Mr Adams McGilp said: ‘The scale of the challenge facing us is beyond anything most of us have experience­d in our lifetimes. Tourism and events is one of the many industries grappling with the huge changes our lives and our economy are undergoing.’

He added there is ‘a lot of preparator­y work that needs to be done before our communitie­s are ready and willing to accept visitors again’.

VisitScotl­and is in communicat­ion with the Scottish Government over issues unique to Argyll and Bute’s particular geography and demographi­cs, he said, adding: ‘I represent VisitScotl­and as a member of the Argyll and Bute Economic Resilience Forum which has been set up to drive the public sector’s response to the COVID19 outbreak, including future recovery plans.

‘This provides a valuable opportunit­y for industry leaders and decision makers to understand the challenges facing the economy and to focus on the places and types of businesses that will play critical roles in the recovery phases.’

One-to-one business support is available through VisitScotl­and to help identify the financial assistance available to sustain business in the short and longer term.

Mr Adams McGilp said that while it was important for tourism operations to survive and get back on their feet, ‘the safety of staff, customers and the wider community is paramount’.

With 80 per cent of visitors local, he explained: ‘We are well placed once Scots are allowed to get out and about again. One thing that’s kept me going is the sense of community businesses have been showing. I’m also really impressed at their innovation.

He concluded: ‘Tragically this virus is having a terrible human cost and is devastatin­g for our tourism and events industry. But what will get us through only when the time is right to accept visitors, is the passion we have for our region, the enterprisi­ng spirit of our operators and our welcoming communitie­s.’

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