Argyllshire Advertiser

What has lockdown made you realise?


On the Argyllshir­e Advertiser Facebook page last week we asked the question: ‘What has lockdown made you realise?’

Alison Macdonald replied: ‘Lockdown has made me realise I took the little things for granted, being able to visit family and friends whenever I like, going out for lunch, celebratin­g occasions and just being able to go for a drive because I can. But seeing how our wee community comes together in times of need is always inspiring. Everything from businesses/volunteers adapting to supply front line workers with much-needed supplies, to people volunteeri­ng to collect shopping and essentials for people shielding. It’s made me realise community spirit is still very much alive in Lochgilphe­ad and all over Mid Argyll.’

Belinda Braithwait­e posted: ‘That I can find joy in small things such as the birds and connection­s with friends and the community. And that nature didn’t know we were in lockdown and spring sprung into life.’

Duncan Black said: ‘What it’s made me realise is just how many people evidently long to be in Stasi-esque organisati­ons and just how easily tyranny can be imple

mented under the excuse of fear or political pandering.’

Fyonna Doe responded: ‘Not to take anything for granted, especially seeing my family and friends, going for lunches, getting my hair done – everyday things that were the norm until the lockdown.’

Niamh Rodden posted: ‘To not take anyone or anything for granted, especially seeing family and friends. It never seemed like a big deal till now when you aren’t able to do so, especially when you have small children and grandparen­ts are missing out on so much. But we are all keeping each other safe. Stay home unless it’s completely necessary, stay safe and hopefully the day we get to see family again won’t be far away.’

Karen Pickering said: ‘That people do care. I never realised how much I took seeing family and friends for granted until now.’

Morag Macdonald replied: ‘My home is my safe place and I would be in a mess without the care of my husband. How much I miss my family and how I need to hug them.’

Cathie Wilson responded: ‘I miss my family and I can honestly put up with hubbys weird singing noises!’

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