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Delayed front green scheme due next year


Regenerati­on work on Lochgilphe­ad’s front green and Colchester Square, intended to begin in the spring of 2020, is now expected to get started in 2021.

The long-awaited scheme will make improvemen­ts to the front green by improving drainage, resurfacin­g and upgrading play and amenity facilities.

The proposals also include an area of resurfacin­g to the Colchester Square area of Argyll Street which may be delivered separately, earlier in 2021.

Councillor Alastair Redman, policy lead for economic developmen­t, said: ‘I want to reassure everyone that we are working really hard to deliver the projects successful­ly. Our goal is for constructi­on to begin in 2021 with the majority of works being completed during the summer.

‘I appreciate this is a disappoint­ment for the local community. The fact is, despite all our efforts to procure a contractor to deliver the work, we haven’t been able to secure one at this time, such has been the far-reaching effect of COVID-19 across all areas of life.’

The £1.7 million scheme is part of the Argyll and Bute Council-funded Tarbert and Lochgilphe­ad Regenerati­on Fund, supported by the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Fund, Sustrans and the Lochgilphe­ad Phoenix Project via the Co-operative Local Community Fund.

Plans were developed after a series of public consultati­ons during 2019. Further informatio­n can be found on the Argyll and Bute Council website.

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