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Case study: Benedikte Ranum


Norwegian Benedikte Ranum, who now lives in Doune, outside Stirling, has gone through the process. Here’s what she had to say:

How did you find the process?

Initially, I had some misgivings about applying for settled status. I had lived in the UK most of my adult life, and had studied, worked and raised a family here. It felt odd having to prove that I had the right to remain in the country I’d considered my home for all these years.

But as it turned out, the process couldn’t have been easier. The online applicatio­n guides you through a series of simple steps, and the instructio­ns are very clear.

If you have a biometric passport, you can even scan it rather than having to post it to the Home Office. I also got the reply much sooner than I had expected, saying I had been granted settled status.

Around the time I applied, there was also a letter from the Scottish Government, reassuring me and other people in my position that we are wanted in this country. I’m pleased about the efforts that are being made to create a friendly and welcoming environmen­t for those of us who are Scots by choice rather than by birth.

What would you say to others who have yet to apply?

I would say just go onto the website and get it done. The chances are it will be a lot more straightfo­rward than you think. And if you do get stuck, there’s help freely available – just contact Citizens Advice. Even if you don’t have access to the internet or have problems with English, there’s help available.

And the sooner you start the applicatio­n process, the more time there is to iron out any issues before the June 30 deadline.

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