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Have a holiday in your garden


August is usually the month when many of us go on holiday and leave our gardens to fend for themselves.

But this year is slightly different, with a lot of us either staying at home or opting for getaways in the UK.

If you are planning a trip away from home then a little thought before you go and some tender loving care when you return will be enough to make sure your garden survives the summer.

Try and arrange to have your containers and baskets watered, bearing in mind water saving advice, or set up a system that can supply water on a regular basis to your tubs and baskets.

Move any baskets and containers out of full sun to a position where they are shaded at the height of the day.

Stand terracotta pots on gravel trays topped up with water, so the pots can gradually absorb the reservoir of liquid or make a few holes in the lid of a plastic water bottle, cut off the bottom of the bottle, turn upside down into the plant compost then fill with water, which slowly drips into the soil.

You can apply the same watering principles to your veg patch as well.

August and September are months of gathering, harvesting, bottling and jam making for all ‘grow your own’ gardeners.

If the weather remains good in some areas, however, you can still sow quick-maturing salad crops such as lettuce, radish, rocket and chicory.

Create your own ‘moveable’ salad patch by planting them in troughs and containers. Cherry tomatoes from the vine, sweetcorn on the barbeque, a warm salad of tender green beans and a home grown side salad, with some flowers for the table picked from the garden - lovely!

A sweetly fragrant plant that works well as a cut flower but can also be used to attract bees and insects into the garden is Phlox.

Flowering in mid-summer through to the end of the autumn, Phlox is a superb hardy herbaceous perennial originally from North America, with scented star-shaped pink, white and purple/blue flowers. It is the ideal border plant, often used in cottage gardens, but is also good as a cut flower and can grow quite tall so may need some support.

Phlox likes a well-nourished soil that has been enriched with rotted compost or manure and prefers full sun, although it can tolerate partial shade. In late autumn, cut the stems down to the base then mulch in early spring.

August is usually one of the hottest months of the year - making watering essential but other jobs for this month from the Royal Horticultu­ral Society include:

 ■Deadhead flowering plants regularly

 ■Water - particular­ly containers and new plants preferably with grey recycled water or stored rainwater

 ■Collect seeds from favourite plants

 ■Harvest home grown vegetables as they become ready

 ■Keep ponds and water features topped up

 ■Look after the lawn

 ??  ?? Sweetly fragrant Phlox works well as a cut flower but can also be used to attract bees and insects into the garden.
Sweetly fragrant Phlox works well as a cut flower but can also be used to attract bees and insects into the garden.

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